Behavioural agility is about building dynamic capability and thriving through complex, turbulent and uncertain times. Our approach is to help individuals to understand the key behaviours of agile people who are fully equipped to work smarter and be efficient and effective in a changing world.

During this highly interactive event participants are encouraged to explore their current behaviours and identify any changes they may need to make to ensure they are fit for the future.

Our unique AGILE model creates a framework for the learning activity and covers five cores areas around behavioural agility. This helps participants to be better equipped to deal with rapid change and to increase confidence, promote personal resilience and embrace new ways of working.

What we offer

During this workshop participants will:
  • Understand how to respond better to change
  • Be more self-aware, confident and authentic
  • Be bolder and less risk-averse through innovation
  • Let go of things that hinder progress
  • Establish a healthy pace and life balance
  • Build and sustain personal resilience
How is the content delivered?
  • Half day workshop
  • Bite sized 60/90 minute sessions
  • Keynote presentations
  • ELearning
  • Bite sized book – Personal agility